Laser Scanning

Laser Scanning 3D laser scanning provides a high level of accuracy to any project requiring field measurements or as-builts. A 3D laser scan uses a concentrated beam of light to digitally map the surface of any object. The laser sweeps the object to create millions of points called a “point cloud” which is used to extrapolate the object’s shape, location, and even color. This is ideal for many project field information gathering needs, including (but not limited to) the following:

Drone Marketing Videos and Promotional Aerial Photography

We’ll shoot and edit professional promotional films for your corporate advertising/ marketing strategies. We’ve worked with small businesses and large brands on ground and aerial videos, scriptwriting, and social media marketing. EPCD Sky Services can manage all aspects of your projects, or work as part of a larger team of advertising experts and agencies to produce videos and content that align with your brand identity and marketing objectives.

VR Reality Promotions and Marketing

Generally, Virtual Reality is considered to be the technology used only for entertainment and games. However, many brands understand the power of VR and try to use it for marketing purposes. Besides an obvious desire to use this trendy technology, companies have additional compelling advantages such as full immersion, which leads to better remembering and understanding of the message, and deeper emotional contact with the customer. It must be acknowledged that launching a new product requires a hard work behind the scenes. A long-lasting marketing strategy can’t be built in a single day. Some think that choosing creative partners and spending budgets on expensive tech is the only way to succeed during the first launch of the product. But we are going to break this myth and show how to use Virtual Reality with the reasonable budget in your promo campaigns like a pro.